1. Open up administrator’s command prompt 2. Type this command in the command line C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\Ldr64.exe SetWow 3. Make sure that you get the following message … SUCCESS 4. Run SyscoLabCS_Setup.exe and press <> on all installation steps…. 5. To make sure that the software is installed correctly run 6. To install the Driver: a. Do Not plug the USB cable ( or Unplug it) until you are asked to do so. b. Run …\Install 64bit\mcu-driverPL2303_64bit_Installer.exe c. Follow the driver installation steps and when you are asked to plug the USB cable to the kit, then plug it to USB 2.0 port (white port) in your computer. d. Continue the installation steps to the end. Important Note: if you have older version of the driver, you must install it before you install the new version. IBTAKER for Technological Innovation ÇÈÊßÑ ááÑíÇÏÉ æÇáÅÈÏÇÚ ÇáÊßäæáæÌí Sateh Marhaba street, Al-Bireh, Palestine Mobile: 059-787-7137 www.ibtaker.ps * info@ibtaker.ps